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Mobile programming for Kids- Level 2
App 1: Personalized Music player
What is this App? (0:24)
STEP 1: Create a New project
STEP 2: Change the color of the background screen
STEP 3: Add a Label
STEP 4: Add Label and Rename it as Song 1
STEP 5 : Add a Horizontal arrangement
STEP 6: Add the buttons
STEP 7: Add the canvas to the screen
STEP 8: Add player to your screen
STEM 9: Upload Audio/song to player
STEP 10 : Completion of design page
STEP 11: Switch to your Blocks Editor
STEP 12: Program Pause button
STEP 13: Program the Stop button
STEP 14: Program to Define Function
STEP 15: Program to Invoke Function
App 2: Multi Language Translator app
What is this App? (0:19)
STEP 1: Create a new project
STEP2: Add Label, TextBox and Save button
STEP 3: Add Buttons with Language names
STEP 4: Add Buttons and List to Show the stored details
STEP 5: Add Translate, Notifier and TinyDB blocks
STEP 6: Program for the Language Buttons
STEP 7: Program for Language Translation
STEP 8: Program to Save to Database
STEP 9: Program for Show all and Erase all
App 3: My Walk Tracker
What is this app? (0:16)
STEP 1: Create a new project
STEP 2: Add the WebViewer and Time Label
STEP 3: Add Steps and Distance display Label
STEP 4: Add Start, Stop and Reset buttons
STEP 5: Add DatePicker and Save button
STEP 6: Add Show All and Erase All buttons
STEP 7: Add Pedometer and TinyDB components
STEP 8: Program to initialize the screen and Declare Variables
STEP 9: Program to START , STOP and RESET button
STEP 10: Program to Save button
STEP 11: Program to set the Day, Month
STEP 12: Program the Pedometer
App 4: Shopping App
What is this App ? (0:32)
Step 1: Create a New Project
Step 2: Create a Starting Screen for the App
Step 3: Add Image and Checkbox into Horizontal Arrangement
Step 4: Program the check boxes to move between the screens
Step 5: Let us create one more Screen
Step 6: Design the Home list screen
Step 7: Add Record, Spinner and Back Button
Step 8: Add text box and resize it to fit the screen
Step 9: Add Save, Read, Date picker and Hide buttons
Step 10: Add Canvas and upload an image
Step 11: Add List View and Speech Recognizer
Step 12: Add Tiny DB, Notifier and File for storage and Notification
Step 13: Program to Initialize ATHOME screen
Step 14: Program the Recorder and Speech Recognizer
Step 15: Program the Back button
Step 16: Program the Spinner and Hide
Step 17: Program the Save Button
Step 18: Program the file
Step 19: Program the Read button
App 5: Dice Roll Game
What is this App? (0:26)
Create a New Project
Step 1: Add the Web Viewer to the screen
Step 2: Add play, Start and text boxes to add the player name
Step 3: Add Players Button so that we can click that and roll the dice
Step 4: Add the score label for two players using table arrangement
Step 5: Add the canvas to display the image
Step 6: Program the Screen
Step 7: Declare a Variables for dice numbers and players score
Step 8: Program the Play button
Step 9: Program the Start button
Step 10: Program the player 1 button
Step 11: Program the player 2 button
Step 12: Program to create procedure to add the score
Step 13: Program to create procedure to check the winner
Step 14: Upload and test the App
STEP 4: Add Label and Rename it as Song 1
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