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Python with Machine Learning - Level 1
Introduction to Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning?
What language is used in machine learning?
What are the methods of machine learning?
Real world applications of Machine Learning
Get Started to train your Machine Learning Models
Lesson 1: Make Me Happy
What will you do?
Step 1: Categorize and add the examples to train your model
Step 2: Select the project and train the model
Step 3: To train model create two or more labels and add examples to it
Step 4: Learn and test the model
Step 5: Now make the project in python and generate the API key
Step 6: Update the API Key and test the python program for its working
Activity 1
Activity 2
Lesson 2: Covid-19 Tracker for suggesting quarantine or not
What will you do?
Step 1: Add and name the project
Step 2: Add the values and required fields for the project
Step 3: Train the model by adding labels and examples
Step 4: Learn and test the model for its correctness and working
Step 5: Make and test the project using python programming
Activity 1
Assignment 1
Lesson 3: Smart Class Room
What will you do?
Step 1: Create a new project and add the name
Step 2: Train the ML model
Step 3: Learn and test the model
Step 4: Now create a python code for the model and test it
Activity 1
Activity 2
Lesson 4: Recognize me..!!
What will you do?
Step 1: Create a new project and add the name!
Step 2: Train the machine learning model with images from different sources
Step 3: Learn and test the model which is trained
Step 4: Create a python code for the trained model and test for its working
Activity 1
Lesson 5: Food Recommendation System
What will you do?
Step 1: Create a Project and add the project name and values to the project
Step 2: Train the machine learning model with different examples..!
Step 3: Learn and test the model which is trained
Step 4: Now create a python code for the model and test it
Activity 1
Activity 2
Step 3: To train model create two or more labels and add examples to it
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