Kids can code!!

Kids can bring to life their imagination through coding. They can create their own games, control electronic components and robots.

Block based programming is good for kids to learn the concepts of variables, loops and if-else statements.

Kiddypi teaches Scratch, App Inventor and Python for different age groups.

My son learnt python and Java. He did well in his school project and bagged the Cyber award in his class as the best Programmer.

- Malini Rajkumar

Kiddypi STEM Centre

KiddyPi has been teaching kids programming for 4+ years now. We teach programming through enjoyable micro-projects, goal-based-scenarios and game-sessions.

How does Coding help Kids?

Kids can use programming skills to showcase their creativity.

Computational thinking

With computational thinking skills, kids can apply a more logical and analytical approach when solving or tackling a problem. Kids will learn how to break down complex problems into smaller pieces.


Kids gain confidence when they solve several simple problems and overcome them with working solutions.

Kids can see immediate results by running their programs.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking requires a kid to be open-minded and consider alternative ways of looking at solutions. In the process of coding, they can find multiple approaches feasible alternatives to solve a problem.


Through coding,kids improve their writing skills and verbal expression skills. The process of coding is communicating with a computer. To make the machine understand the command, they have to write the code accurately, concisely, and logically. They improve their writing skills when composing code chunks.

STEM for Girls

Girls can get into learning to use and control technology at a very early age by learning coding.

Creative Thinking

Coding for kids is an open-ended process, its flexibility allows kids to practice without limitation. They can find multiple solutions to a problem, and turn their abstract ideas into reality using very structured programming languages.