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Microbit and Blockly programming for Kids - Level 1
Day 1: Introduction and Microbit and Displaying images
What is Microbit?
Hello, micro:bit!
Change the face!
Surprised micro:bit!
Your own Virtual Pet!
From micro:bit with love
Display all the animals
The sleep block (0:04)
Pulling faces (0:07)
Lets display many images (0:16)
Display a square challenge!!
Virtual cocoon Challenge (0:10)
I ❤ micro:bit (0:14)
My pet is sad Challenge (0:10)
Scrolling letters (0:08)
Day 2- Making decision statements
Introducing loops (0:06)
Pet shop (0:28)
Making decisions
The if block
Making decisions inside a loop (0:15)
What is if's (0:09)
Pet duck vs pet Giraffe (0:08)
Decisions with two options
Decisions with many options
The if/else if/else block
What if both buttons are pressed at once?
Even more options
Feed me or pet me!
Feed me! (0:21)
Day 3: Draw you custom images
Make your own image
Animated animals (0:13)
Rock paper scissors (0:09)
Day 4:Loops and LED's
Turning your LED on and off
Final Project Blast Off!
Spaceship camera (0:11)
Repeated double takes! (0:08)
Keep the beat! (0:17)
Turning your LED on and off (0:05)
Countdown (0:18)
Final Project Blast Off! (0:23)
Day 5 - Repeat blocks and Individual pixels control
Day 5- Links
Individual pixels
Accelerometer and loops
Repeat Block
Playing Music
Music with pictures (0:14)
Toe touch tester (0:09)
Day 5- Links
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