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Python Game Development Level 1
Introduction to Pygame
What is Pygames?
How to install Pygame library ?
What you will learn in this course ?
Animate-Snow Fall
What you will do (0:07)
Step 1: Import a Pygame and Random libraries to game
Step 2: Initialize the game engine
Step 3: Set the height and width of the screen
Step 4: Create an empty list
Step 5: Loop 50 times and add a snow flake in a random x,y position
Step 6: Event to close a game window
Step 7: Now setting the screen backdrops and drawing the snow flak
Step 8: Updating the screen with what we have drawn until now
Step 9: Actual Program:
Lesson 2: Sprite creation and keyboard control
what you will do? (0:19)
Step 1: Import a library of functions called 'pygame'
Step 2: Initialize the colors to it
Step 3: Now create a sprite by defining its player and setting its placement during the start if the program
Step 4: Give the movement to the sprite by updating its present positions
Step 5: Now initialize the game and set the screen size and name of the screen.
Step 6: Now create a actual sprite in the main program by calling all the defined functions.
Step 7: Now give the keyboard control to the sprite so that it will be able to move in the screen.
Step 8: Now draw every thing.
Step 9: Exit the game with this statement
Step 10: Complete program
Step 11: Output Screen
Lesson 3: Touch Me Not
What you will do (0:33)
STEP 1: Import a library of functions called 'pygame'
STEP 2: Initialize the colors and Screen Size.
STEP 3: Now create an Block Object
STEP 4: Now create an Player Object
STEP 5: Now create an Game Object
STEP 6: Now create an Main code which will give the functionality to the game
STEP 7: Output Screen
Lesson 4: Collect the Coins
What you will do (0:50)
STEP 1: Import a library of functions called 'pygame'
STEP 2: Initialize the colors
STEP 3: Now create an Block Object
STEP 4: Now initialize the pygame, give the logic to the game and create the sprites.
STEP 5: Complete Program
STEP 6: Output Screen
Lesson 5: Maze Runner
What you will do? (0:26)
STEP 1: Import a library of functions called 'pygame'
STEP 2: Initialize the colors to it.
STEP 3: Now create an Object by defining the walls and sprites for it.
STEP 4: Now create a Different Rooms by defining Object
STEP 5: Now we shall create different rooms / Screens for the maze.
STEP 6: Now We shall create the main function which gives all the functionality to the game.
STEP 7: Now create the event processing by calling the created objects
STEP 8: Now let us code the Game Logic
STEP 9: Complete Program
Snake game
what is this game about?
Install free python games
Complete program
Step 2: Initialize the colors to it
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