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Scratch Programming for Kids - Level 2
Project 1 - Pop Bubble game
What will you learn to Create ?
How does this game work?
Concepts you will learn
STEP 1: Let's add the Sprites
STEP 2: Let's add the Backdrops
STEP 3: Program the Bubble Sprite
STEP 4: Program the Star fish Sprite
STEP 5: Program the Jelly fish Sprite
STEP 5: Program the Octopus Sprite
STEP 6: Program the Start Button of the game
Project 2 - Ball balance game
What will you learn to Create ?
How does this game work?
STEP 1: Let's add sprites
STEP 2: Let's add backdrops
STEP 3: Program the ball 1 sprite
STEP 4: Program the Paddle sprite
STEP 5: Create a Variable called Score
STEP 6: Program the Ball 2 sprite
STEP 7: Program the Line sprite
Do it yourself
Project 3: Penguin Adventure Game
What will you create ?
How does this game work ?
Concepts you will learn
STEP 1: Lets create the sprites for this game first Penguin Sprite
STEP 2: Create a Golden fish sprite
STEP 3: Create a Shark sprite
STEP 4: Create a Start sprite
STEP 5: Let us Select the backdrop and edit it
STEP 6: Let us create a "You have Won" Backdrop
STEP 7: Program for Start Sprite
STEP 8: Program the underwater Backdrop
STEP 9: Program the Penguin Sprite
STEP 10: Program the Shark Sprite
STEP 11: Program the Golden Fish Sprite
Project 4: In the Wild (Scratch Story)
What is the Story all about? (1:50)
Concepts you will learn
STEP 1: Selection of Sprites & the Backdrops.
STEP 2: Program for the Interaction between the Girl and the Lion.
STEP 3: Program for the Interaction between the Girl and the Elephant.
STEP 4: Program for the Interaction between the Girl and the Horse.
Now its a Challenge Time!!
Project 5 - The Chase Game
What you will learn?
STEP 1: Program for the sprite without Custom Blocks
STEP 2: Program for the Sprite with Custom Blocks
Chase Game - What you will create
STEP 1: Selection of Sprites for Chase Game
STEP 2: Program for the Crab Sprite with Custom Blocks
STEP 3: Program for the Ouch Sprite with Custom Blocks
STEP 4: Program for the Cat sprite with Custom Blocks
STEP 3: Program for the Interaction between the Girl and the Elephant.
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