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Beginner 3D Desgin and Modelling Course - Level 1
Lesson 1: Introduction to 3D Printing
What is 3D Printing?
Why 3D Printing?
3D Printing Hardware
3D Printing Software....
Getting started with the Tinker CAD
Take a Tour of Tinker CAD software (7:58)
Create your Name plate (9:20)
Lesson 2: Create your customized spanner
What are you going to do in this project? (0:03)
Part 1- Create a Shaft of Spanner
Part 2 - Create the heads of the Spanner (0:31)
Part 3 - Add the text to the Spanner
Lesson 3: Customize your Own Pen
What you will do in this lesson ?
step 1: Create the case of the pen now
Step 2 : Create head of the pen body
Step 3: Create the Space for the refill to fit in
Step 4: create the cap of the pen case
Step 5: Create a grove for the pen cap to fit the pen body
Lesson 4: Customize the Coffee Cup
What will you do in this Lesson?
Step 1: Select the Shape for the Mug
Step 2: Create the Mug Shape
Step 3: Add the text to the mug shape
Step 4: Create the hallow inside the Mug
Step 5: Create the handle for the Mug
Lesson 5: Create your Study Table Accessories
What will you do in this lesson ?
Step 1: Create the base for the accessories to place
Step 2: Create the base for the table Lamp
Step 3: Create the stand for the Lamp
Step 4: Create a holder for the bulb
Step 5: Design the Pen Stand
Step 6: Create a Mobile Stand
3D Printing Hardware
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